Saturday, February 18, 2012


And in honor of that, I'd like to present to you all a book. A book that adds scientific evidence to everything we talk about on this blog. One day I will read it, and so should you.


With love,


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Alright - A Quick and Tired Blab...

Lonely Hearts,

I am so insanely tired right now, but I just feel like writing. So please cope with my rambling and grammatical errors for just a short while. I promise that I'll be a little more on top of it next time. On with my tangent then:

Men don't have a bleeping clue. At all. NONE OF THEM! Here is my roommate on one hand, who has been "hanging out" with a guy for seriously a month and he will NOT ask her out on a date. They've only gotten close through group settings and frequent, pointless lounging around at each other's apartments. It's just sad to see. Don't men know that if they're interested in a girl, she's more likely to stick around if she knows you want to get to know her PRIVATELY? And show a little creativity in the thought of planning a date? Doesn't need to be anything extravagant. Just something that shows you care. Seriously, someone send the men of this age back 50 years to when courtship was admirable and NORMAL. Please, heaven help me.

Another thing, I have recently entered a bold stage where I've given up caring on what a lot of guys think. I do all of the things I'm not supposed to do: text them first, verbally (somewhat) tell them that I have a crush on them, and basically send overly flirty messages as often as possible to various men. I figure I'd try that "put yourself out there" tactic one LAST time before giving up whole-heartedly. Fortunately, I have found a cute, tall boy who has caught my attention and I his (he gave me HIS number, for crying out loud). However, I ran into him twice today on campus, and we managed to find the time to talk for a bit before he headed off to class. Now my main question is: WHY WON'T HE TEXT ME? He has my number now (believe me), but hasn't texted me since acquiring it last night. I HATE sitting around and waiting for men to buck up!

I think I would be less of a Lonely Heart if men just grew a pair once in a while. Thus, LHC is here to stay.

Forever and always,