Today I would like to talk about a man I like to call "The Carnivore". We all know this guy. This is the boy who will go for whatever meat he can get his hands on. A beautiful creature with an IQ he could count on a single hand, but his attractiveness seems to override it all. He can stop a heart with a flash of his teeth and can text over five girls at one time.What a multi-tasker..isn't he talented?? But that's not all he can do. He also has a knack for making you feel very important and confident about yourself. (lifetime warranty not guaranteed)
What more could you want in a man?
Seems to good to be true?
Why yes, you are correct, it is. This boy has the attention span of a puppy. Every new squirrel he sees is his latest and greatest. Chasing whatever he can find on legs, and feeling so accomplished when he catches them all. But this isn't satisfying enough for his carnivorous ways. If one day he decides that he is craving another flavor he will simply put you on the back burner, and there you will sit because he has complete control. "No Strings Attatched" (TM *Nsync) is his favorite jam and he throws around his love like sunflower seeds at a baseball game. The Meat Market is his kingdom and he will never come down off of his gilded thrown of lies.
I recently met this type at a party and foolishly started falling for his snare. Could it be possible that a boy like him actually cared about a girl like me? We chatted for hours and I felt a great connection with him. At the end of the night I told him where I lived, assuming that he would not remember. He then surprised me with a text a few nights later. So smooth and sweet, I felt on top of the world! This went on for a few days and to say I was on cloud nine would be an understatement. Then at last, one miraculous day he appeared at my door step. I was so excited to be reunited with my new found love.
....soon reality sets in.
Minutes after he arrived I came to the realization that this was all a part of his scheme. He had actually come over to meet my roommates, so charming and gorgeous they thought he was. They absolutely loved the attention he gave, and like me, they were eating out of the palm of his hand. He wasn't coming to see me, he was simply there to add a link or two onto his chain.
He and my roommates kept having these fabulous visits but soon relocated to his apartment where they would stay until the crack of dawn. He has now had face time with both, and do they mind? Why of course not, and neither does he. This is how he gets to the top of the food chain.
To this day he comes over to flirt and sweep my roommates off their feet. His empty compliments and touchy ways send a chill up my spine. I can't help but walk upstairs and let the insanity happen beneath me. Ladies Ladies Ladies...have a brain, and don't be another link on his chain.
On this note, PLEASE beware of the carnivore, for he is climbing in your windows and snatching your roommates up. So hide your feelings and hide your pride...he's coming for you, he's gonna find you..he's gonna find you.
And as Professor Beyonce Knowles so wisely stated: "All my single ladies, all my single ladies, all my single ladies put your hands up."
May we all stay single and sane forever,